The Dick Van Dyke Show is an American television sitcom that originally aired on CBS from 1961 to 1966. The show was created by Carl Reiner and starred Dick Van Dyke as Rob Petrie, a comedy writer; Mary Tyler Moore as Laura Petrie, Rob’s wife; Rose Marie as Sally Rogers, a comedy writer; Morey Amsterdam as Buddy Sorrell, a comedy writer; and Richard Deacon as Mel Cooley, the head of the TV network where the show was set.

The Dick Van Dyke Show was popular with viewers and critics alike, and it is considered one of the greatest sitcoms of all time.

The show won 15 Emmy Awards during its five-year run and has been praised for its writing , acting, and direction.

5 little known facts about the show:

1. The show was created by Carl Reiner, who also wrote the majority of the show’s episodes.

2. Dick Van Dyke was actually 33 years old when he started filming the show, making him the oldest cast member.

3. Mary Tyler Moore was actually 25 years old when she started filming the show, making her the second oldest cast member.

4. Rose Marie was only 46 years old when she started filming the show, making her the third oldest cast member.

5. The Dick Van Dyke Show was filmed in Los Angeles, California, which is where the majority of the cast members lived.