Green Acres is an American television sitcom that originally aired on CBS from 1965 to 1971. The show was created by Jay Sommers and starred Eddie Albert as Oliver Wendell Douglas, a lawyer; Eva Gabor as Lisa Douglas, Oliver’s wife; Pat Buttram as Mr. Haney, a farmer; Alvy Moore as Hank Kimball, the county agent; and Arnold the Pig as Arnold Ziffel, a pig.
The show was popular with viewers but not with critics, and it was cancelled after six seasons.
The show has been criticized for its portrayal of farmers and its use of rural stereotypes.
Regardless of its controversial aspects, Green Acres remains an iconic part of American pop culture and is fondly remembered by fans of classic television.
5 little known facts about the show:
1. The show was created by Jay Sommers, who also wrote the majority of the show’s episodes.
2. Eddie Albert was actually 54 years old when he started filming the show, making him the oldest cast member.
3. Eva Gabor was actually 38 years old when she started filming the show, making her the second oldest cast member.
4. Pat Buttram was only 45 years old when he started filming the show, making him the third oldest cast member.
5. Green Acres was filmed in Los Angeles, California, which is where the majority of the cast members lived.