The Honeymooners is an American television sitcom that originally aired on CBS from 1955 to 1956. The show was created by Jackie Gleason and starred Gleason as Ralph Kramden, a bus driver; Audrey Meadows as Alice Kramden, Ralph’s wife; Art Carney as Ed Norton, Ralph’s best friend; and Joyce Randolph as Trixie Norton, Ed’s wife.

The Honeymooners was popular with viewers but not with critics, and it was cancelled after one season.

The show has been criticized for its portrayal of women and its use of ethnic stereotypes.

Regardless of its controversial aspects, The Honeymooners remains an iconic part of American pop culture and is fondly remembered by fans of classic television.

5 little known facts about the show:

1. The show was created by Jackie Gleason, who also wrote the majority of the show’s episodes.

2. Audrey Meadows was actually pregnant during the filming of the show, which is why she is often seen wearing loose-fitting clothes.

3. Art Carney was originally only supposed to appear in one episode but ended up being a regular cast member.

4. Joyce Randolph was actually 31 years old when she started filming the show, making her the oldest cast member.

5. The Honeymooners was filmed in New York City, which is where Gleason and Carney first met each other.