The Addams Family is an American television sitcom that originally aired on ABC from 1964 to 1966. The show was created by Charles Addams and starred John Astin as Gomez Addams, the head of the titular family; Carolyn Jones as Morticia Addams, Gomez’s wife; Jackie Coogan as Uncle Fester, the family’s uncle; Ted Cassidy as Lurch, the family’s butler; and Blossom Rock as Grandmama, the family’s matriarch.
The Addams Family was popular with viewers but not with critics, and it was cancelled after two seasons.
The show has been criticized for its dark humor and its portrayal of death and violence.
Regardless of its controversial aspects, The Addams Family remains an iconic part of American pop culture and is fondly remembered by fans of classic television.
5 little known facts about the show:
1. The show was created by Charles Addams, who also wrote the majority of the show’s episodes.
2. John Astin was originally only supposed to appear in one episode but ended up being a regular cast member.
3. Jackie Coogan was the last surviving cast member when he died in 1984.
4. Ted Cassidy was actually 6’9″ tall, which is why he was often seen towering over the other cast members.
5. Blossom Rock was actually 66 years old when she started filming the show, making her the oldest cast member.