F Troop was an American television sitcom that originally aired on ABC from September 9, 1965, to April 6, 1967. The show was created by Larry Storch and starred Forrest Tucker as Captain Wilton Parmenter, the commander of a U.S. Cavalry post in the post-Civil War American West.
The show also starred Larry Storch as Corporal Randolph Agarn, Parmenter’s right-hand man; Ken Berry as Sergeant Morgan O’Rourke, Parmenter’s second-in-command; and Melody Patterson as Wrangler Jane Angelica Thrift, the post’s telegraph operator.
F Troop was popular with viewers but not with critics, and it was cancelled after two seasons.
The show has been criticized for its stereotypical portrayal of Native Americans and its use of offensive racial stereotypes.
Regardless of its controversial aspects, F Troop remains an iconic part of American pop culture and is fondly remembered by fans of classic television.
5 little known facts about the show:
1. The show was created by Larry Storch, who also starred in the show as Corporal Randolph Agarn.
2. Forrest Tucker was originally only supposed to appear in one episode but ended up being a regular cast member.
3. Ken Berry was originally going to play the role of Captain Wilton Parmenter on Gilligan’s Island but decided to do F Troop instead.
4. Melody Patterson was only 16 years old when she started filming the show.
5. The town of Fort Courage was based on the real town of Tombstone, Arizona.